2022 ( scenography & costumes )

Scenography and costumes in collaboration with Benjamin Karim Bertrand, Cédrick Debeuf, Bigtimestudio, Marion Flament & Jimme Cloo.

La Fin des Forets is a choreography written and directed by Benjamin Karim Bertrand featuring a community of queer lovers. The veiled dancers explore an erased walk of the absent described by poet Edouard Glissant and the strolling cruises summoned by Jose Esteban Munoz. Daydreaming, like the ornament, represents a reactivation of the erotic imaginary that is not limited to sexual fantasies, though it includes them, but is more nearly about a fuller capacity for love and relationality, a capacity that is queer in its striking insistence on a great refusal.

Photo:  Martyn Argyroglo